stabbing attack

Stabbing Attack
Stabbing attack in Gush Etzion: the terrorist was neutralized. View the documentation

An Arab terrorist arrived at the Mazmoriya checkpoint and tried to murder the security forces who were manning the checkpoint. He was shot by one of the fighters and neutralized on the spot. Watch the documentation

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

The Arrest of the Terrorist was Extended

The arrest of the terrorist from the stabbing attack in Jerusalem was extended

JFeed | 07.09.23

Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

Stabbing attack in Jerusalem: 3 injured near Jaffa Gate

JFeed | 06.09.23

Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

Documented: the moments of the attack in Jerusalem. Watch

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

The Terrorist Victim's Claim

After a year and a half: the millions claim of the victim of the attack

JFeed | 23.08.23

The Terrorist Attack is Solved

The attack in Gila was solved: a prosecutor's statement was submitted against the terrorists

JFeed | 09.08.23
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